On Feb 24, 2010, at 12:52 PM, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

But a slur has varying thickness. It looks like this is intended to be a consistent thickness. SHPFLTNAT font or shape designer for that, I think.

Not sure how helpful this is, but just a reminder that there are kludgy ways to make slurs of consistent thickness.

If you go into Smart Shape > Smart Slur Options and set both vertical thickness values to zero, all of your slurs throughout the piece will come out as solid lines, albeit very thin ones. That's not much use if you want any normal slurs in the piece, though.

Slightly more useful, you can use a dashed slur for the one you want to be consistent thickness. Then go into Smart Shape > Smart Shape Options and set your dash space to zero. Now any slur drawn as a dashed slur will come out as a solid curve of uniform thickness, but the downside is you've also made solid any dashed lines throughout the piece.

(I'm still in Finale 2k4.  Things may have changed since then.)

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