On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 2:13 PM, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz
<bath...@maltedmedia.com> wrote:

> It took me several years to recoup the costs (as I say, it's an
> electroacoustic CD with a small audience). I gave away half of them to radio
> stations, etc., in hopes of scoring royalties. Never happened even though it
> got a lot of plays.

I have a friend who has a modern composer that did that too, and the
results were just as heart breaking for him.

I don't know how classical record labels (e.g. CPO in Germany or
Hyperion in U.K) make any money.

I entertained the idea of getting a small string ensemble together to
attempt a complete recording of the Graupner
string ouvertures, but I quickly dropped the idea when I started
seeing what the costs were. And the odd thing is that
right now, technology has made it *SO* easy to do your own recordings
and editing. And while the Internet has made
things more democratic, it's still a nightmare if you don't have any
real distribution.

Thanks for an interesting thread.

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