On 4 Oct 2010 at 9:34, Eric Dannewitz wrote:

> So.......I could list some more, but I see no other Mac program that
> out right stores pretty much the same stuff in TWO locations.

You choose as your example a Microsoft program?

My point is that you basically shouldn't care about the "archive" 
copies of the files in the application folder, just as you don't care 
about whatever "magic" Microsoft apps use to create their template 
files. That's likely hardwired somewhere non-obvious in the 
application and the configuration files, and not alterable by the end 
user, and you just don't worry about it -- you just let the 
application do its job. If that means a new installation of Word has 
the wrong font in your Normal.dot document template, that's just the 
way it works.

Likewise, with Finale, you should basically be ignoring the 
"reference" files in the application folder. They are for Finale's 
use, not yours. The ones that are for *your* use are the ones in the 
user folder.

The difference between MS Office and Finale is that MS is more 
obscure about where it's getting its reference files from. There is 
no real difference, though, in that somewhere there's a definition of 
what the default templates are going to be in a newly-created user 

Finale just makes it easier to figure out where those are coming 

But that doesn't mean you should care about those files at all.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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