On Sun Feb 27, at SundayFeb 27 7:41 PM, Eric Dannewitz wrote:

> Honestly, I can't think of ANY program that I use that is just PPC. Nothing. 
> 3 years ago, yes, I had stuff that was just PPC. A year ago.....maybe...but 
> probably not. Now, nothing.....everything is Universal or just Intel.
> As for 10.7 NOT supporting Rosetta. There is NOTHING preventing you from say 
> using something like Parallels and running 10.6 or earlier virtually. There 
> is also Sheepsaver which allows old OS 9 apps to run on modern Macs. It 
> works, but....there isn't really anything to run other than if you want to go 
> in the way back machine and revisit Hypercard..... 

I guess you don't ever need to open old Finale files, then. I certainly do, and 
the import into newer versions of Finale is FAR from perfect. I guess my point 
is we DO need to be able to open old versions of Finale, regardless of what we 
are normally running.

I still haven't recovered from AppleWorks files breaking in 10.6.6. Pages opens 
the word processing docs (not transparently, though) and Numbers opens the 
spreadsheets, but for the myriad Paint files I have lying around, nothing will 
open them except AppleWorks, which is broken unless all I do is open and print.

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