Wow.....hell has frozen over ;-)

You speak the truth sir.

Sent from my iSomething

On May 23, 2011, at 2:08 PM, "David W. Fenton" <> wrote:

> On 23 May 2011 at 13:53, Eric Dannewitz wrote:
>> But that's no a real good point. You then have several boat anchors
>> (ie old hardware) around, plus you have all the migration problems of
>> getting your old files and software to new machines.
> Eric and I hardly ever agree on anything at all, but on this one, I'm
> with him 100%.
> The fact is, the "Apple hardware is more expensive" canard is a
> COMPLETE MYTH, and it has been for well over a decade.
> The reason it persists is because Apple doesn't sell low-end
> products. It configures all of its products so that they perform
> well. This means that there is nothing comparable to the $300 PCs in
> Apple's product line.
> But you're not getting the same thing for $300 that you would if you
> pad $800 for a Mac -- if you configured a Windows PC with comparable
> specifications as the $800 Mac, it will cost about $800, too (and in
> many cases, it will cost MORE).
> Secondly, the point about changing machines often is one that too
> many people vastly underrate. You're much better off spending $1500
> every 6 years than you are spending $300 three times during the same
> time period. You may think you're sayving a huge amount of money, but
> instead, you're getting a poorly performing machine that was way back
> in the pack performance-wise when you bought it (and likely last
> year's model, anyway), and it will be wheezing under the requirements
> placed on it in a couple of years.
> You can get a 5-year PC for $1000 if you have modest computing needs,
> but for $1500, you can get a machine that will long outlast 5 years
> (I have clients retiring 8-year-old machines, for instance). The
> price point used to be $2000, but it's come down to $1500 in the last
> few years.
> But anybody who says Macs are more expensive than PCs hasn't ever
> actually sat down and tried to do a real 1:1 comparison between a Mac
> and a PC configured with the same peripherals, RAM, etc.
> When you do that, you find out that Macs are actually quite a good
> value.
> And you learn to stay away from the low-end PC junk.
> --
> David W. Fenton          
> David Fenton Associates
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