On 25 May 2011 at 14:11, Eric Dannewitz wrote:

> What I mean is that Macs have had 2 Trojans, one of which was caused
> by people downloading Pirated versions of iLife 09. The other is this
> Defender thing that is going around. That is it. So.....very very very
> very very very rare I guess. Like getting hit by a baseball, in a
> thunder storm, during the equinox, during an earthquake rare.

But that's the main vector for malware on Windows in the last 10 
years, too -- it's social engineering that causes people to install 
stuff they don't intend.

And much of it comes through web browsers (not just IE, in fact).

So, there really is not much difference in this area between Windows 
and Mac except for two factors:

1. lots of Windows user are still running WinXP as administrator, 
which makes them inherently vulnerable to the maximum damage 

2. that fertile field means Mac is not yet a very attractive platform 
for exploiting.

As WinXP is retired, near parity will be the result and Mac users 
will need to be on their guard.

But the good news is that the better security model means that it 
will be harder to exploit everybody's computers, so it will likely be 
the case that more and more of the malware will use social 
engineering (i.e., trick you into approving its installation).

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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