At 8:11 AM -0700 8/7/11, Mark D Lew wrote:
>I agree with Daniel on this, and I was a little 
>surprised to see so many people say or imply 
>this is unorthodox.  I've seen plenty of old 
>sources that put the comma after the word 
>extension, and I prefer it. I also had a regular 
>client who asked for it that way, and I had to 
>tell her it couldn't be easily done. I think 
>this is another case where limitations of the 
>software have forced a standard, and it's been 
>long enough now that people think it's weird to 
>see it any other way.

That COULD be true, except that I would bet that 
the convention goes back to pre-software days 
when people engraved with metal on metal, and 
even to (gasp!!!) using pen and ink!!!

And of course it's always possible to find 
exceptions to any convention.  Some publishers 
still use individual flags rather than beaming in 
vocal music, and some singers actually like it 
that way!

I'd say that the "rules" could be found in the 
Chicago Style Manual, or the equivalent in the 
APA Style Manual for the sciences, except that 
writing text alone doesn't get into word 
extensions.  Or maybe it does, in the case of an 
inserted ellipsis, in which case the punctuation 
mark DOES go at the end of the word, and not at 
the end of the 3 dots.  On the other hand, with 
an inserted parenthetical expression, the 
punctuation goes AFTER the expression.

Of course I approach this question as a singer, 
and as someone who writes a lot for singers, and 
I know what I want to see and what I think is the 
most unambiguous to a singer who is sightreading. 
The more information and the sooner it's given, 
the better.

I have a bunch of Broadway piano-vocal scores, 
and if I have time tonight I'll take a quick look 
through them.  But of course Daniel has to 
satisfy his client, whatever any of us think.  He 
was just asking HOW to do so.


John R. Howell, Assoc. Prof. of Music
Virginia Tech Department of Music
School of Performing Arts & Cinema
College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences
290 College Ave., Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0240
Vox (540) 231-8411  Fax (540) 231-5034

"Machen Sie es, wie Sie wollen, machen Sie es nur schön."
(Do it as you like, just make it beautiful!)  --Johannes Brahms

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