My concern right now is with virtual instruments rather than live recording.  I 
just want to ensure that whatever hardware I get, it will handle a full 
orchestra of virtual instruments without hiccups due to lack of speed or space.
Nick Raspa
NJR Music Enterprises

On Apr 23, 2012, at 05:31 AM, Steve Parker <> wrote:

How many tracks are you likely to record at once?
My internal 4200rpm (as slow as they come) will record 16 tracks of 24/44 
I also use the MacBooks internal drive as my live rig playing rhodes, wurli, 
piano, hammond, strings, brass..
all run as AUs inside Mainstage or DP. 

So.. the internal may be fine.

I've found no difference between external 5400rpm and 7200rpm drives. 
I have found FireWire to get better track counts than USB 2 on drives 
enclosures with both. 

I cannot reliably record even stereo to a flash drive. 

I've spent years trying this stuff all ways. 
For most of my work I don't get second chances because of computer stuff ups..

Steve P. 

On 22 Apr 2012, at 23:55, Christopher Smith <> 

> A separate partition on the same drive won't help you, as the mechanism is 
> the same. You need a separate PHYSICAL drive on a different bus, and I 
> understand that you need certain minimum rotation speeds and search speeds. I 
> may be wrong here, but I think flash drives are not quick enough for audio 
> recording. Please verify this by looking up the specs on the software 
> website; they are very good at providing this information usually.
> Christopher
> On Sun Apr 22, at SundayApr 22 6:48 PM, Nick Raspa wrote:
>> So the OS is on my computer hard drive and the imputed data is going to a 
>> separate drive that doesn't impact the main computer (such as in flash 
>> drive) similar to hard drive partition except that the second drive 
>> (partition) is external?
>> Nick Raspa
>> NJR Music Enterprises
>> On Apr 22, 2012, at 04:39 PM, Steve Parker <> wrote:
>> Not really hard drive space. 
>> More throughput. Recording to a different drive to the one running the OS.
>> Steve P. 
>> On 22 Apr 2012, at 22:06, Nick Raspa <> wrote:
>>> hard drive space is more the concern. Is my understanding correct?
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