>Hah!  Jef, no you haven¹t, but I do appreciate 
>that there may be some deserved sarcasm in your 

WHAAAAAAAAT?!?!?! never.  not me, no way!

>Another thing that keeps me faithful, and 
>perhaps blindly optimistic, is that I just do 
>not want to learn a new piece of complex 
>software.  I have acquired a little sense of how 
>Finale works ³under the hood² - enough so that I 
>can usually beat it into submission when I have 
>something to do that Finale is reluctant to do 
>in a straightforward fashion.  Sibelius doesn¹t 
>seem to be better to me - (I could be wrong - 
>don¹t really know), and I don¹t want to spend 
>weeks learning new working methods in order to 
>find out.

i very seriously looked into changing software 
and from mac to pc several years ago and decided 
to stay with finale.  there are some things i 
will always champion in finale (such as the very 
much underused metatools) but i have been over 
the years CONSTANTLY frustrated by the incomplete 
and insufficient implementation of "new" tools / 
working methods.

i am sure i am not the only one who stays with 
finale "because of the kids".  i have too much 
time invested in it -- not to mention the value i 
place on third-party finale-specific PIs -- to be 
able to afford the divorce, economically and 
emotionally.  i.e. i am not always staying with 
finale because i WANT to but rather because i 
HAVE to.  i had some hope in the past couple of 
years but that was all destroyed with the latest 
release.  i'm being asked to pay money for 
something finale fucked up in the last release 
that is extremely valuable to me that worked in 
the previous release.  i'm really quite disgusted 
-- perhaps more than normal, or perhaps it is 
still just super fresh or it is accumulated -- by 
their arrogance.

>   Spreadbury¹s promised new software will not 
>include chord symbols, and it will present the 
>sam obstacle of learning new methods of 
>controlling it.  At this point, not an 
>attractive alternative to me.
>Now - after considerable fanfare and what seems 
>to me to have been a long wait, I am 
>underwhelmed by some things in this release. 
>And the printing screw up seems inexcusable.  Of 
>course, there are workarounds, the easiest of 
>which may be to print from 2014.5.  But to 
>release a long awaited new version with a 
>blatant flaw in an essential element of the 
>workflow is certainly, at the very least, 
>sloppy.  Where were the beta testers?
>Of course, there are some obvious improvements 
>in the new version.  For those of us, like me, 
>who do not hear written music flawlessly in our 
>imagination, improved playback is helpful.  And 
>I imagine that speed improvements may prove to 
>be good.

speed improvements that bring it almost back (on 
mac, according to various reports) to the F2012 
level?  noone should pay for that.

>However - some other things for which there has 
>been a substantial volume of support have been 
>ignored for several years.  MM admits that there 
>have been many requests for the restoration of 
>the old, colorful, configurable tool pallets - 
>perhaps overly large for laptop users and 
>relegated to the category of eye candy to 
>others, but a useful visual aid for anyone with 
>less than 20/20 vision.

i don't mind accepting things like that -- eye 
candy as you call it -- if there are parallel 
improvements in the functionality that are 
significant enough for me to shell out money i 
work hard to make.  but we must not forget things 
like: it took 7 years (and versions!) for MM to 
finally get around to fixing MAJOR flaws in 
linked parts that made an otherwise revolutionary 
tool in finale UTTERLY UNUSABLE for MANY users. 
i'm not talking a niche group of users here.  i 
fully understand that some of my particular needs 
and wishlist items may only be shared by a very 
small portion of users.  i get it, really, and 
accept it.  but when the functionality of main 
features of an upgrade (linked parts in F2007) is 
unusable to the majority of users, or when the 
company "fixes" speed issues that we already paid 
to downgrade to and they ask us again to pay to 
"fix"... well, i have to call bullshit when i see 

>Like many others, I have requests that seem 
>reasonable to me that continue to go unanswered. 
>Mark Adler (always courteous and responsive) 
>told me that, though he understood and agreed 
>with me about how Finale is misdirected in how 
>it handles the default spacing of tuplets with 
>brackets, and that he also understood how it 
>could be fixed, that there was not time to 
>include it in this long waited and expensive 
>release.  That is a disappointment.  (If your 
>bracket hooks are larger than 12 evpus - a half 
>space, then outside of staff vertical placement 
>is inconsistent.  I prefer .75 space hooks, but 
>I must now choose between hooks that look small 
>to me or constant fussing with the vertical 
>placement of some tuplets where Finale places 
>the bracket correctly but misaligns the number 
>relative to the bracket, if the hooks are more 
>than a half space long.)

that is much more than a disaapointment.  we 
become so complacent to the software's 
insufficiencies because each of us is perhaps 
only affected a little bit by "some" of the 
problems.  but when you consider them all 
together it is a sad and expoitative tragedy. 
when was 2014 released?  and 2014.5? and now we 
fork out our money to them again for a(nother) 
lackluster release?

there is an expression in german that sums it up: selber schuld.


>So, perhaps not so optimistic at the moment.  I 
>will send this to Mark too, and while not naive, 
>I do hope it has some salutary effect.
>  > On Aug 22, 2016, at 12:14 AM, SN jef chippewa 
><shirl...@newmusicnotation.com> wrote:
>  > chuck, have i ever told you how much i admire your optimism?
>>>  ... this is a glaring bug and should get a quick repair. I will let
>  >> them know how damaging this is.


neueweise -- fonts for new music (and traditional) notation
[JAN 2016] v. 1.002 for Finale 2014.5 and PC

shirling & neueweise | http://newmusicnotation.com
new music notation  +  arts management  +  translation
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