On 8/22/2016 10:36 PM, Mark Adler wrote:
> I'm sorry you are disappointed with the new Finale. We are aware of the
> printing issues are are working to fix them.

Thank you for responding on-list, Mark.

What sort of timetable can the early adopters of Finale25 expect for the 
repair of the printing issues?

Nobody should spend $149 on an upgrade only to learn that they have to 
revert to an earlier version of the product simply to get acceptable 
printed output.  Imagine some kid heading off to college, buying the 
academic version, running into this problem.  How would a first-time 
user overcome the problem, not having an earlier version to print from? 
Worse yet, imagine someone who is tempted by the cross-grade offer and 
makes the purchase to begin to explore Finale.  How will that person 
cope with the printing issues?

What if a person is making a large jump from a much older version, for 
example, Finale2010, to Finale25?  How would they handle the printing 
problem, since the file formats are incompatible?  Yes, they could save 
the file in an earlier version's format, but how much of the new, 
improved Finale25 file will be lost in such a conversion?  And how far 
back does the new version's "save in [earlier version format]" 
capability go?

After a two year wait people should be saying "Wow, this is fantastic! 
Everybody should upgrade!"  Instead people are saying "Hold on, wait, 
there are serious flaws in this new version."  And I haven't read any 
messages which have said "This new version has XYZ which is so much 
better than earlier versions."

Even the completely 64-bit aspect hasn't particularly thrilled anybody, 
at least not in this group.

And finally, can you explain why long-time Finale users (I've been with 
the program since version 3.5, only skipping a single upgrade until now) 
have to pay the same as people who have never supported Finale in the 
past but instead have supported competing software?  Where is the 
corporate loyalty to the faithful customers?  I realize the company 
needs to expand their customer base, so making an appealing cross-grade 
offer is important.  But you also need to keep your long-time customer 
base happy and not giving us a deeper discount ($99?) instead of making 
us pay the same as users of Sibelius or Notion or Forte or whatever 
certainly isn't making any of us happy.

Thanks for reading -- I realize you may not be able to answer my 
questions, but perhaps you could pass them along to whomever in the 
corporation sets the pricing and the scheduling of interim updates.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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