Hi jef,

Nice to get a thoughtful and communicative reply.  

Frustrations aside, friends I have made through this list remain a fulfilling 
part of my life, and I wouldn’t miss that for anything, even if the 
communication often comes through mutual frustration with Finale.

Let’s just keep up the pressure on MM.  I think Mark Adler is the go to guy.


> On Aug 22, 2016, at 11:55 AM, SN jef chippewa <shirl...@newmusicnotation.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hah!  Jef, no you haven¹t, but I do appreciate 
>> that there may be some deserved sarcasm in your 
>> message.
> WHAAAAAAAAT?!?!?! never.  not me, no way!
>> Another thing that keeps me faithful, and 
>> perhaps blindly optimistic, is that I just do 
>> not want to learn a new piece of complex 
>> software.  I have acquired a little sense of how 
>> Finale works ³under the hood² - enough so that I 
>> can usually beat it into submission when I have 
>> something to do that Finale is reluctant to do 
>> in a straightforward fashion.  Sibelius doesn¹t 
>> seem to be better to me - (I could be wrong - 
>> don¹t really know), and I don¹t want to spend 
>> weeks learning new working methods in order to 
>> find out.
> i very seriously looked into changing software 
> and from mac to pc several years ago and decided 
> to stay with finale.  there are some things i 
> will always champion in finale (such as the very 
> much underused metatools) but i have been over 
> the years CONSTANTLY frustrated by the incomplete 
> and insufficient implementation of "new" tools / 
> working methods.
> i am sure i am not the only one who stays with 
> finale "because of the kids".  i have too much 
> time invested in it -- not to mention the value i 
> place on third-party finale-specific PIs -- to be 
> able to afford the divorce, economically and 
> emotionally.  i.e. i am not always staying with 
> finale because i WANT to but rather because i 
> HAVE to.  i had some hope in the past couple of 
> years but that was all destroyed with the latest 
> release.  i'm being asked to pay money for 
> something finale fucked up in the last release 
> that is extremely valuable to me that worked in 
> the previous release.  i'm really quite disgusted 
> -- perhaps more than normal, or perhaps it is 
> still just super fresh or it is accumulated -- by 
> their arrogance.
>>  Spreadbury¹s promised new software will not 
>> include chord symbols, and it will present the 
>> sam obstacle of learning new methods of 
>> controlling it.  At this point, not an 
>> attractive alternative to me.
>> Now - after considerable fanfare and what seems 
>> to me to have been a long wait, I am 
>> underwhelmed by some things in this release. 
>> And the printing screw up seems inexcusable.  Of 
>> course, there are workarounds, the easiest of 
>> which may be to print from 2014.5.  But to 
>> release a long awaited new version with a 
>> blatant flaw in an essential element of the 
>> workflow is certainly, at the very least, 
>> sloppy.  Where were the beta testers?
>> Of course, there are some obvious improvements 
>> in the new version.  For those of us, like me, 
>> who do not hear written music flawlessly in our 
>> imagination, improved playback is helpful.  And 
>> I imagine that speed improvements may prove to 
>> be good.
> speed improvements that bring it almost back (on 
> mac, according to various reports) to the F2012 
> level?  noone should pay for that.
>> However - some other things for which there has 
>> been a substantial volume of support have been 
>> ignored for several years.  MM admits that there 
>> have been many requests for the restoration of 
>> the old, colorful, configurable tool pallets - 
>> perhaps overly large for laptop users and 
>> relegated to the category of eye candy to 
>> others, but a useful visual aid for anyone with 
>> less than 20/20 vision.
> i don't mind accepting things like that -- eye 
> candy as you call it -- if there are parallel 
> improvements in the functionality that are 
> significant enough for me to shell out money i 
> work hard to make.  but we must not forget things 
> like: it took 7 years (and versions!) for MM to 
> finally get around to fixing MAJOR flaws in 
> linked parts that made an otherwise revolutionary 
> tool in finale UTTERLY UNUSABLE for MANY users. 
> i'm not talking a niche group of users here.  i 
> fully understand that some of my particular needs 
> and wishlist items may only be shared by a very 
> small portion of users.  i get it, really, and 
> accept it.  but when the functionality of main 
> features of an upgrade (linked parts in F2007) is 
> unusable to the majority of users, or when the 
> company "fixes" speed issues that we already paid 
> to downgrade to and they ask us again to pay to 
> "fix"... well, i have to call bullshit when i see 
> it.
>> Like many others, I have requests that seem 
>> reasonable to me that continue to go unanswered. 
>> Mark Adler (always courteous and responsive) 
>> told me that, though he understood and agreed 
>> with me about how Finale is misdirected in how 
>> it handles the default spacing of tuplets with 
>> brackets, and that he also understood how it 
>> could be fixed, that there was not time to 
>> include it in this long waited and expensive 
>> release.  That is a disappointment.  (If your 
>> bracket hooks are larger than 12 evpus - a half 
>> space, then outside of staff vertical placement 
>> is inconsistent.  I prefer .75 space hooks, but 
>> I must now choose between hooks that look small 
>> to me or constant fussing with the vertical 
>> placement of some tuplets where Finale places 
>> the bracket correctly but misaligns the number 
>> relative to the bracket, if the hooks are more 
>> than a half space long.)
> that is much more than a disaapointment.  we 
> become so complacent to the software's 
> insufficiencies because each of us is perhaps 
> only affected a little bit by "some" of the 
> problems.  but when you consider them all 
> together it is a sad and expoitative tragedy. 
> when was 2014 released?  and 2014.5? and now we 
> fork out our money to them again for a(nother) 
> lackluster release?
> there is an expression in german that sums it up: selber schuld.
> pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.
>> So, perhaps not so optimistic at the moment.  I 
>> will send this to Mark too, and while not naive, 
>> I do hope it has some salutary effect.
>>> On Aug 22, 2016, at 12:14 AM, SN jef chippewa 
>> <shirl...@newmusicnotation.com> wrote:
>>> chuck, have i ever told you how much i admire your optimism?
>>>> ... this is a glaring bug and should get a quick repair. I will let
>>>> them know how damaging this is.
> -- 
> neueweise -- fonts for new music (and traditional) notation
> [JAN 2016] v. 1.002 for Finale 2014.5 and PC
> http://newmusicnotation.com/fonts.html
> shirling & neueweise | http://newmusicnotation.com
> new music notation  +  arts management  +  translation
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Chuck Israels
(360) 201-3434

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