On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 23:04, Carsten Klapp wrote:
> Hi Anthony,
> Funny you should mention this I just managed to get Debian's Potato 
> installed on my 6100/66 yesterday.

Ugh. Why potato? Woody is out now, and I think you'll find it much
better. New XFree86, for example.

And, oh yeah, twice as many packages.

> Of course I don't know all the 
> details about apt-get and dselect, maybe there is some way to do these 
> already.

assuming you have deb-src lines in your /etc/apt/sources.list, you can

   apt-get source package_name
   apt-get source --compile package_name

Also, "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot" is your friend.

(if these want root, look at the fakeroot package)

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