On Sun, 2003-03-30 at 17:43, David R. Morrison wrote:

> I looked at glut, and I guess there is some ambiguity in the sentence
> "The programs are not in the
> public domain, but they are freely distributable without licensing
> fees."

>From /usr/share/doc/libglut3/copyright on my Debian system:

Regarding the right to modify and distribute this library:

  From: Mark Kilgard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Subject: Bug#131997: GLUT license
  > Would it be possible for you to just make it absolutely clear that
  > everyone's allowed to use, copy, and modify (and distribute their
  > modifications) of libglut?
  > Just quoting the above and replying "Yes, that's fine" or similar
  > would be okay.
  Yes, that's fine.

[If you think Fink is strict with licenses, you've never seen Debian]

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