up until recently BuildDependsOnly was an accepted field but it didn't do anything. Dave has added a warning if a pkgs depends on a BuildDependsOnly pkg now. And I just added to fink cvs two more functions that now use BuildDependsOnly. those being fink list -b or fink list -b -i to see which you have installed and fink remove|purge -b or -b list.

I'd just like to take this time to get all Maintainers to check there pkgs and make sure they have this field in proper pkgs, mostly -dev pkgs. I might self know I have some pkgs missing it, ie test-simple-pm and test-hardness-pm and I'm sure many others. I'm going to be adding proper checking the validator for this field shortly.

Also on a side note I'm working on fink remove -d pkg which will remove a pkg and all it's deps, this will need some what of a new dep engine, and I'll be able to make a fink deptree pkg using the same engine, are there any suggestions/requests before I start this?

Chaos is the beginning and end, try dealing with the rest.

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