Am Dienstag, 02.12.03 um 23:45 Uhr schrieb TheSin:

up until recently BuildDependsOnly was an accepted field but it didn't do anything. Dave has added a warning if a pkgs depends on a BuildDependsOnly pkg now. And I just added to fink cvs two more functions that now use BuildDependsOnly. those being fink list -b or fink list -b -i to see which you have installed and fink remove|purge -b or -b list.

I'd just like to take this time to get all Maintainers to check there pkgs and make sure they have this field in proper pkgs, mostly -dev pkgs. I might self know I have some pkgs missing it, ie test-simple-pm and test-hardness-pm and I'm sure many others. I'm going to be adding proper checking the validator for this field shortly.

How exactly could the validator do this? I.e. what exactly do you want to "validate", and how? Do you want to check the dependencies of all packages for "illegal" deps, or what?

Also on a side note I'm working on fink remove -d pkg which will remove a pkg and all it's deps, this will need some what of a new dep engine, and I'll be able to make a fink deptree pkg using the same engine, are there any suggestions/requests before I start this?

I think doing this properly is a very hard task. Are you sure you're up to it? For now, it might be *much* simpler to simply change "fink remove" to use "apt-get remove" instead of "dpkg --remove". That will give you almost exactly the functionality you want w/o having to study graph theory.


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