Already stated I will no longer work be working on fink's code base unless it's to fix something that I created. Sorry to try and advance fink instead of complaining yet again about something that has been discuss a dozen times already.

I have two branches already they don't work, they have been there for over 6 months, no one tests them and no one merges/updates them.
Chaos is the beginning and end, try dealing with the rest.

On 4-Dec-03, at 9:01 AM, Max Horn wrote:

I fully agree with Ben. In fact, I am not happy about the recent addition of BuildConflicts. It seems very half baked to me. Hey, I could have added this way of implementing it a year ago. I had reasons why I didn't. Might be a good idea to first ask the persons who spent a lot of time researching this issue before charging ahead, Justin!

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