I didn't make the branches and I wasn't the only who knew of them and I mentioned to lots of finkers, including rangerrick, drm and dmalloc. There is only so much I can do. many other have been waitting for such features as well, like jasonc and there is even a tracker item for the user handling that was assigned to me since I had the branch, ( think Clef assigned it to me) so he was aware of them as well. But they just sat and they are so far out of sync now I dont' know where to start with them and I'm not very good with cvs...
Chaos is the beginning and end, try dealing with the rest.

On 4-Dec-03, at 3:26 PM, Max Horn wrote:

That is an informal overview of how such things usual are handled "formally". Of course many things in there can potentially be shortcut, e.g. if you can get "trunk maintainers" to work together with you on the branch. However, just sitting there and hoping that somebody discovers one of your branches, tests it, makes required fixes for you and completes your code, isn't sufficient.

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