On 20/06/2005, at 3:04, Martin Costabel wrote:

Jeremy Higgs wrote:

Hi everyone,
I've been trying to get a lot of my packages working on Tiger, and  have finally gotten around to net-snmp. I noticed (from discussions  on the list, and a bit of playing around) that net-snmp 5.2 is  actually included in the base system. Given this, is there really a  need for a net-snmp package? Perhaps if someone wants an OpenSSL- enabled version...
On that note, there are some patches in the Darwin source. (http:// darwinsource.opendarwin.org/10.4.1/net_snmp-16/patches/) Does anyone  know what the license is for these? I was hoping to use these for the  Fink package...

According to the license file on the server http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/10.4.1/net_snmp-16/net_snmp.txt, the package has a BSD license. I would assume that this covers the patches, too.

OTOH, it is perhaps a good idea to get rid of the package altogether. On Panther already fink's version was older than the system one.

Would anyone have any objections to this? I would tend to agree with Martin, since it's included with the system now, and isn't a terribly important package.

If there are no dependencies and no objections, I'll remove it from the 10.4-transitional and 10.3 trees in the near future...



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