Ben Willmore wrote:
[Sorry if these are FAQs. Gmane archive search seems to be broken]

1. Some of my favourite unix programs ((x)emacs, unison) now have good aqua-native versions. I notice these are not available through Fink. Are aqua ports against Fink policy, or has no-one got around to making packages yet?

Basically the latter. But there is more to it than just making packages that compile these things. I don't know about those you mention, but often there are more differences to the versions we have now than just the different graphics and windowing system. They usually also build or expect libraries bundled as frameworks, and we don't yet have a policy or examples for treating these. At the same time, they want to use Apple's (or Next's) parallel file system layout, e.g. /Library instead of /usr/local. For the same reason (avoid building your house on a garbage dump) as Fink avoids the use of /usr/local and replaces it by /sw, Fink will have to avoid the other garbage dump /Library.

It is not clear what to do here in general, and I have played with several possibilities in the past:

One could always disable the part of the build system that wants to have frameworks and build libraries as for the non-Aqua versions. This is done in the qt3mac and scribus-aqua packages, for example.

Or one would have to introduce new directories, /sw/Frameworks or /sw/Library/Frameworks. For years, I have had a tcltk-aqua package in my experimental directory that did the latter (now obsolete with Tiger). Like we did for /sw/Applications/ (and the related /Applications/Fink/), we would have to discuss this and then decide about a file layout, but perhaps also about some other additions to the build system, like adding -F /sw/Library/Frameworks to the default configure options.

2. Building aqua software reliably requires the ability to detect the version of XCode that's being used. Is there any way to do this in a .info file?

I don't understand what distinguishes aqua software there from x11 software. Or do you mean software that uses the XCode build system? We have a couple of these in Fink already.


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