On 25-2-2019 13:51, Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel wrote:
On 2/24/19 10:52 AM, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
The security database inside the distribution is already initialized with a Legacy_Auth SYSDBA only. I'm not sure why the same can't be done for SRP (or at least: isn't done for SRP).

First half of an answer is very simple - in order to avoid network server running with SYSDBA/masterkey login in default configuration. Looking at this discussion I once again notice that this protection is rather efficient :)

Then lets change this question to why the security database in the distribution isn't initialized for SRP (ie having the PLG$SRP table, maybe other things needed). Would it be possible to initialize it as part of the distribution **without** having a user present? That at least would avoid the "Look at the compatibility chapter" error.

And given the default security database does contain a legacy auth with SYSDBA/masterke it is insecure anyway for people who'll enable Legacy_Auth.

The problem is essentially http://tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-5485 which Alex doesn't consider to be a bug.

If you create a single Srp user, this will go away. And you have to create a user (or users) anyway for your application(s), so why not just use Srp for that?

To be precise - if some application does not use firebird's access rights control (it's using same login for all attaches) and you are quite sure in reliability of infrastructure protecting server running firebird from undesired access I see no reason to use srp. Legacy plugin is faster - needs less CPU to establish connection. But in this case what's a need to add more plugins to configuration file?

And I'm looking at it from the perspective that the current defaults seem to introduce - in my view - unnecessary hurdles / complications...

Mark Rotteveel

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