On 2/25/19 5:51 PM, Lester Caine wrote:
On 25/02/2019 14:05, Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel wrote:
Then lets change this question to why the security database in the distribution isn't initialized for SRP (ie having the PLG$SRP table, maybe other things needed). Would it be possible to initialize it as part of the distribution **without** having a user present? That at least would avoid the "Look at the compatibility chapter" error.

It will be very useful for a user which started to change configuration file not understanding it to read an instruction instead of continuing in random order. Once again - if one includes SRP in configuration security DB should contain at least one SRP user, if there are no users why include it at all?

If I am reading this correctly then I was correct last month when I simply ended up stripping all but the Legacy options from the config file? Rather than following the 'compatibility chapter' which I don't think makes any mention about creating a srp user ... it's about manually creating a legacy SYSDBA/xxx which in the case of the SUSE install already existed. It WAS only when I removed the srp ( and windows ) entries that I could get in.

I've a stack of 6 servers out in the workshop each with their own copy of firebird but also using versions on other machines in the stack as backups. The 3050 port is not enabled outside the network and apart from using Flamerobin for manual tweaks, everything else is accessed via PHP, so DO I need to worry about SRP on this setup?

Lester, as I've already said: if you are sure that nothing untrusted can reach your port 3050 - what a difference what authentication plugin is used? The only small one - legacy is slightly faster.

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