On 10/05/2021 08:39, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
> 09.05.2021 20:20, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
>>>> What I want to ask about if it's clear/good is that DefaultTimeZone set
>>>> in client does not implicitly pass isc_dpb_session_time_zone in the
>>>> attachment.
>>> For me such behavior looks suspicious (i.e. a bug to be precise).
>>> DefaultTimeZone set at client side should propagate to server for
>>> particular attachment.
>> Should it be changed for v4.0?
>> It would be difficult to do that change later.
> I'd vote for doing that now.


>> May be explicit DefaultTimeZone=Auto can turn on passing implicit client
>> time zone? Not to say I treat it as absoluely needed, just possible
>> solution.
> It should be possible, but requiring ICU in the client when that setting
> is used.

Should this part be deferred?


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