On 11/05/2021 06:23, Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel wrote:

>>>> Also note that no implicit client time zone is passed when
>>>> DefaultTimeZone is not set. Doing so would create compatibility
>>>> problems
>>>> with date/time functions for who is not interested in time zones.
>>> May be explicit DefaultTimeZone=Auto can turn on passing implicit client
>>> time zone? Not to say I treat it as absoluely needed, just possible
>>> solution.
>> It should be possible, but requiring ICU in the client when that setting
>> is used.
> For me need in ICU for very optional feature is not showstopper - wish
> to use install icu. Default config breaks nothing.
> And to be explicit - that's useful but far not critical for
> v4.0-release, i.e. can go to 4.1/5.0.



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