Jamin Collins wrote:

Please send responses to list message to the list rather than an
individual.  In most cases it's more beneficial to everyone for all
parts of the discussion to be on the list (there are exceptions).

On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 09:13:04PM -0600, Kathy Wills wrote:

Jamin W. Collins wrote:

That looks much better.  The entry is correct provided your
internal network has a netmask of  It shouldn't have your
eth0 interface's IP.

Can your Linux box connect to Internet sites? If so, you've got the
routing corrected on it. If not forget about the firewall script for
now and concentrate on getting the Linux box connected to the Internet
properly first. Without a functional connection, the script will just
be another unnecessary variable.

The Linux box connects just fine to the internet. It is the windows machine that can't. I have no problem with connecting on the linux box.

If the Linux box is connecting properly and able to connect to Internet sites, it looks like a configuration problem on the Windows system. You've indicated that forwarding has been enabled on the Linux system, correct? I'm assuming that the firewall script starts without error, correct? You've also indicated that the two systems (Linux and Windows) can communicate properly on your local LAN, correct? If the above is correct, check the following on the Windows system.

- "route print" at a command prompt should list your Linux box as your
 default gateway (Network Destination
- "ipconfig /all" should list a DNS server for your local interface

If the above check out fine, test name resolution
- "ping yahoo.com" should return an IP address and attempt 4 pings

If name resolution fails, try pinging just an IP addres such as (one of the IPs assigned to yahoo.com).

Just pinging an IP address gets timed out. The windows machine can only ping the linux machine. When I try to check to see if the firewall is loading by doing /etc/init.d/firewall as root I get the message that I don't have the permissions to do that so I don't know if the firewall is loading without errors. the route print and the ipconfig /all on the windows machine all

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