This message is from: "Karen Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi List.

I know I've seen this subject on the list before and am hoping someone can impart some wisdom.

Here's the background. I have a friend who works at the local therapeutic riding center where there is a Fjord in residence. She is a late teen, maybe 20 year old mare. When I last saw her a little over a year ago, she was pretty darn obese and sadly has a broken crest. I was told she is on thyroid meds and that caused her to be fat.

Since that time, my friend has begun working at the center and through a change in this horse's management, she has dropped a bunch of weight, but sadly the crest is still broken over. This fellow wanted to know about Fjords and thyroid, as well as what is a "normal" weight for Fjords.

This mare is now weight taping at about 1000 pounds. I think that would be a decent weight for her. I compare her to my own two Fjords, who tape at about 950, and they are more lightly built.

I told this fellow that I'd seen on the List that Fjords' normal thyroid level was different from the average horse, but I couldn't remember if it was different high, different low, or what.

So, first question would be what is a normal thyroid level in Fjords? Does anyone have their Fjord on thyroid meds? BTW, this mare foams at the mouth, and the explanation is the thyroid meds make her do that. Sounds odd, but anyone have any experience with this?

Second question: Does a broken crest ever resolve? I told him I didn't think so, but maybe someone has some input. It's sad to see that lovely dorsal stripe be interrupted and hang over sideways. :^(

I'll pass your responses and suggestions on.  Thanks in advance.

Also, I know this gets published regularly, but can someone tell me how to get into the archives so I can look up that previous reference to Fjords and thyroid?



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