This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

---"Jon A. Ofjord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This message is from: "Jon A. Ofjord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have a question regarding shots given to horses.  We have to give
our own
> shots where we live, so I usually get combination vaccines.   


I asked the same question several months ago.  Brian Jacobson answered
the question.  I don't recall his exact words, but the answer did
satisfy me that these combination vaccines are probably effective.  It
seems there are no stats available on each individual brand, but they
should all be effective.  I use the same combination vaccine that you
ordered on my horses.  I haven't had any bad reactions from it and
everyone seems healthy.  Our horses go to training facilities, shows,
trail rides, etc., so are around lots of other horses.  We haven't had
any problems so far.  We do use the Pinnacle Intranasal spray for our
strangles vaccine, since strangles is quite common in our area.  We
have "outbreaks" nearly every spring.  We don't use PHF vaccine
because it really isn't a problem in our area and we visit "mosquito"
areas in the fall after the bugs are frozen.

We live in western Washington state, right on the coast.

Hope this helps.


PS.  Regarding the strangles shot (the "old way" to immunize for
strangles/strep):  We had some pretty severe reactions last year, both
in one of our Fjords and in a whole barn full of various breeds in for
training (12 horses to be exact).  The vet gave the shots in the chest
- contrary to directions on the package.  We had abcesses that you
wouldn't believe!!  Went on for weeks.  Some reactions were worse than
others.  The litigation will probably go on for years.  According to
the manufacturer the shot is best given in the lower buttock - more
muscle to absorb the vaccine, more muscle movement to distribute
it,etc.,etc.  Live and learn, I guess.  Thank heaven it wasn't my barn
full of horses - belonged to a friend - but I was out there helping
treat them as my horses were there for training at the time.  A real
mess.  The same thing had happened to one of our Fjords a few months
earlier - from a chest shot - so we were aware of how to treat it.  He
took six weeks to heal.
Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

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