This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all -

Michelle, your stories about Fj are great!  He did exactly what Pepper did a
year ago, except for her it was "a dark and story night..."  You are so
clever to realize that sheds do not nicker!  I wish ours had nickered that
night - it would have been a big help.  I suspect she didn't want to give
herself away.

Re: cutting manes - the suggestion about Fiskar shears is wonderful.  I've
been using the Fiskar scissors, because I have arthritis in my thumbs, but
the shears will be much better.  I tell people that, after almost 3 years,
I've become good at two things; mane cutting and manure picking.  Actually,
I'm really best with the manure.  I cut much the way the web site described,
leaving a bridle path.

When Bob Van Bon visited last year, he demonstrated, at Anne Appleby's, a
different way to finish out the mane at the poll.  The mane was cut with no
notch or bridle path, but rather tapered down to nothing where the bridle
bath would be.  The bridle strap rests on the beginning of the forelock.
The final two inches of taper are cut with the scissors sideways, that is,
across, not down, the mane.  It looked very nice.

 Re: Step-in posts and electrical tape.  I know it works well for a lot of
folks.  Most of our Fjords, however, say the horse equivalent of, "Ha, I
spit on your feelthy fence," and walk right through.  They will stay in if
the grass is greener on their side, but you know how that goes....

Re: guys and their giant Tonka toys - Doug's long sought-after used Kubota
arrived this week [gal question - do they call these "Botas," ala "Beamers"
and "Burus"?].  He's constantly on it, looking for things to move with the
loader.  Our manure pile has a "new look", chips are easy to move now, etc.
It's sort of like when I paint, anything that's not moving better watch out!
Doug is also delighted to have discovered that Rocky seems to like Vivaldi
as much as he does.

Re: kissing horses - We both do that at lot, but never when the horses are
wearing chap stick.  We always check.

Peg Knutsen, Knutsen Fjord Farm in Ellensburg, where our piddly little
offering of snow has melted.  How is Doug going to get to play with his plow

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