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Breeding of Fjord Horses as well as other breeds in the Netherlands is 
"controlled" by independent stud books not the Dutch government. The Fjord 
stud book cannot make you geld your stallion however it will issue papers of 
resulting offspring in a color to indicate that the parents were either not 
evaluated or not evaluated favourably. 

The gestapo will not come to your farm and shoot your horses and haul you off 
to jail.

 People may privately own stallions and they can go through the evaluations 
and if said stallion is favourably evaluated he will be represented in the 
Stallion Roster. However most people choose to allow the studbooks to own the 
stallions and farmers lease them on a yearly basis. Just because a certain 
stallion is standing in your district that year there is nothing preventing 
an individual from taking their mare outside the district to breed to a 
particular stallion.

Evaluations and record keeping  are the studbook's job and the studbook is 
run by a BOD of interested individuals, none of whom are stallion owners by 
the way. The Dutch government is not involved in setting policy for 
individual breed organizations.
 Vivian Creigh

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