This message is from: "carl and sarah nagel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well, being so new to this, I'm not sure I'm qualified at all to comment.
But I do have a perspective I'd like to share for thought among the group.
And it may be more an overall "way of life" comment than specific to
breeding Fjords.

As individuals, breeders can do a much superior job of breeding their horses
than can a government controlled agency.  We DON'T need the government to
tell us what stallions or mares to breed.  That can be done through
evaluations sponsored by farms and the NFHR, etc.

The sharing of experience and knowlege gained, and the lessons passed on, as
well freedom to choose who to geld and who to breed will continue to produce
a fine, strong breed of Fjord.

The breed standards, the competition at shows, and other instruments
currently in place should continue to serve us well.

I would shudder to think the government would be intruding into yet another
part of our lives.

Sarah Nagel in hot, dry Northern Idaho with June and Sonny  :-)

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