This message is from: GAIL RUSSELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Having left Odin until he was one year, I think it would have been better to
geld him earlier....(or not at all...he is turning out to be a very nicely
put together grey gelding with a rock-solid unflappable Fjord disposition).

My reasoning is that the year he spent being poisoned by testosterone COULD
have left him with some fairly serious psychological problems if we had
tried to train him and subdue all of his more difficult impulses.
Fortunately, caring for my demented mother meant we were forced to more or
less neglect his training until the age of two, so he did not have a long
history of being nippy and obstinate, and then being (inexpertly) corrected
by us.  When we started him at two he was VERY difficult, but came along a
little.  Then we let him sit over the winter until age three and now he has
finally figured out that he has a job to do and is just fine.  

So, my advice re the stud colt is to geld him right away.  If you think you
want him to be a stallion, DO NOT spend more time trying to train him
yourselves using a whip.  While it is true that he does need to learn to
submit, a whip in the hands of someone who has not developed the right
timing will just result in a confused, frustrated and dangerous colt.  Turn
him over to an expert trainer (if you can find such a thing who knows how to
work with Fjords...who DO NOT necessarily respond to the usual techniques of
so-called "trainers" ) OR turn him over to a really nasty mare.

Another little caution.  YOur baby sounds like Odin...very dominant.  We
found that geldings put up with WAY too much nonsense from him....he just
walked all over them, and then, when they came back to discipline him, he
did his little "I'm just a baby, don't hurt me" routine and never really
suffered the consequences of his actions.  Had we had a mare around (other
than his mother, who was TOTALLY permissive with him) he might have been
easier to work with when we started him.


Gail Russell
Forestville CA

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