This message is from: Heather Baskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Kate
Joe's horseanality sounds so much like Henry's!!!   LBI that can be
unconfident (but not fearful - yes there is a difference!!!) and RB in
unfamiliar surroundings.  I know he is not looking at me as the leader "yet"
(my marshmallow personality shining brightly!) and I am trying my darndest at
times - but his horseanality is different/new/intriguing for me and I am still
trying to learn how to "read" him (i.e., unconfident/fearful/confident but not
motivated, etc.etc.etc.).  Then, when I push him - he can at times push back
and I must mirror/match and oh my!  this has been a great learning experience,
that's for sure.  But - each day gets better and better.  Last week, we
"joined up" at liberty in the outdoor sand ring (no round pen where I board)
and Henry stuck to me like glue.  It was magical to state the least.  Then, at
other times (last night - LOL!) - he takes root and is firmly planted.
- we were more "connected" with fewer "plantations" and more joining up (on
line, but with incredible slack in the line) towards the end of the night. 
It's the sudden taking root to the ground that throws me (it can come out of
"In the beginning ..." I tried treats, but Henry was pushy and rude
about it - so I cut them all out.  Now, 6 weeks later - I have re-introducted
treats "from time to time" and only if he has done something really great.  He
is not pushy anymore with the treats, but I exercise caution to not go down
that road.  I can see treats being a great motivator for him.  In fact, I did
it once (experimenting) when he was "planted" and didn't want to enter the
arena.  Pulled a cookie out and that neck stretched out as much as it could -
LOL!! before he decided that if he moved his feet - he might just get that
cookie (and into the arena he went!).  But again, because of his pushiness in
the beginning, I am being cautious about the usage of treats.  Hopefully, I
can build up enough savvy to use them with purpose :-)
Thank you so much for
your reply - it is greatly appreciated.
Heather & Henry
Playing Naturally ...
----- Original Message ----
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 9:38:23 PM
Subject: Re: Question for the Parelli Fjord Folks

This message is from:

These guys can be surprisingly tough.  I assumed from the
start that  Joe was 
a confident horse (before we came up with the whole LB /
RB  schema).  It 
turns out he was actually very unconfident, but not 
fearful.  So when he would 
plant and refuse, it was not because he was 
afraid, but he was not confident - 
and there's a difference!!  Once the new 
lingo came out, he is definitely a 
LBI, but shifts to a RB in unfamiliar 
surroundings.  And when he gets bored, 
flips to RBE - boy howdy those are 
fun times (although it makes me want to 
run for cover).  I am really a 
fairly wimpy individual, so most of "Joe's" 
issues, turn out to be my own
lack  of pony leadership skills (I'm good with 
people, no really, I am!!)
Treats have been the secret weapon against boredom and most planting.  When
he was first introduced to the wooden bridge, he would not step on it for 
love or money.  Days of approach and retreat, playing games he was good at 
and around the bridge - nothing doing.  Until I reached in my pocket 
one day 
and found a frosted mini-wheat.  Joe was on the other side of the 
bridge when 
I pulled it out thinking "what's this?"  He stepped up onto  that
bridge as 
happy as could be to reach the mini-wheat.  Never had a  bridge
issue after 
that, but the value of treats hit home.

I'll end now out of
respect for my non-Parelli Fjord friends, but I could  
discuss this all day

with Joe and Della (who completely support the marriage of treats
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