This message is from: Lori Albrough <>

In my opinion, stabling a horse is the worst thing you can do to them.

The worst thing. Really? The worst?

What about letting them eat so much that they become obese and their feet -- and any hope of an athletic future -- are destroyed by founder? What about not feeding them enough so their ribs stick out and their hips jut and their coats are dull and staring? What about not looking after their dental care so their razor sharp teeth make lesions on their cheeks and tongue? What about not providing proper and timely hoof care? I have seen Fjords managed in all of the above ways and I feel that each of these is many orders of magnitude worse than putting a horse in a stall.

What if you have predators on your land at night but you just leave your horses to fend against the cougar or whatever as best they can?

Personally, I don't think there is any one right way to care for a horse. Every location, every animal, every owner, every sport, every goal, all present variables that need to be managed on an individual basis.


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