yeah well, im sure the display list things arent too hard, in my own AS2 projects I developed Control like classes which work like:
var tab = new TabPane (_root);
        tab.addChild (new Tab());
etc (well to be honest the main control would listen to a TabModel and create tabs itself based on that, but that is far too much detail:)),
so only the _root thing gets left out in AS3 ;))).

Note that this discussion is not really about is-it-hard-to-learn or which-is-the-better-language, because 3 weeks and lots of coffee usually tend to get u up to speed on these kind of things and from a maturity viewpoint, im sure as3 will be an improvement over as2. The focus of the discussion is: when to use which? What I am really looking for, is something that was spoken about at Spark as well, but does not really exist yet, is some kind of checklist on which you can go like... "ok my project has these and these kind of characteristics so it falls into a) Flash 8/AS2 b) Flex 2/as3 c) the large grey void in between").

Maybe i'd should just start using Flex2/AS3, anything learned in that area isnt wasted anyway, and fall back on Flash 8 when i hit the wall of impossibilities (or "great challenges" as our projectleaders like to call m).


At 09:50 AM 11/22/2005, franto wrote:
It's hard to say, what is the best, but I'm really enjoy new AS3. I've
started develop "FlashLife" engine in AS3 as open source project with
my friends to learn AS3. I think this is the best way to learn it as
Ted say.

My experiences are, that is not hard to write AS3 projects when you
know AS2, there is just few things you have to learn, specially
DisplayList objects, how to add Sprites, Movieclips to Stage. But this
you will learn in 1 or 2 projects you will try in new AS3.

I think as well as Ted that this core will no be changed dramatically,
if yes, changes will not be in a way, that you will have relearn AS3
again :)

Only one disadvantage is, that projects which you will try to do now,
you cannot use for your clients now :( But on the other side, when AS3
will be release public, you can have you AS3 project ready, and I
think this is pretty cool :)

This was just for AS3 projects, because i'm not Flex developer, I did
not edit single MXML file till now :)

Another 2 cents :)

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