its like trying to compare adobe indesign and illustrator, sure they share a lot of common underlying elements but the usage is much different. If I want to layout a 100 page book i will use indesign... If i want to design a poster with rich graphic elements i will use illustrator....

Flex is for large scale apps, ease of use with ui components and so on... Flash will be for animations on the ole time line and for doing smaller scale apps that need to be much more visually customised.

Theres enough space for all of us to play in!
If you have tried Flex 2 and can't tell the difference between the 2 IDE's, I 
don't know what to say..
some video's
breeze presentation:

Now, none of the above actually 'compare' both IDE's, but maybe that's because 
there's no comparing them ;-)

Beta 3 comes with a "start page" similar to the one in Flash and other Adobe products that has a list of sample applications, tutorials etc..
I think they've done a great job regarding documentation and stuff to get you 


----- Original Message ----- From: "Adam Pasztory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Flashcoders mailing list" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 3:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Re: Flex vs. Flash IDE

Someone suggested that Adobe hasn't done a good job explaining the
difference between the two.  I can't see how you can say that.  There
has been a public beta available for over 6 months and a site almost
entirely devoted to it.  The Samples Explorer is as clear an explanation
as any developer should need.  The only way to really understand the
difference is to attempt to build something with it.

While I think the concept of a beta program is great, I spent quite a few
hours poring over the documentation, and followed a few tutorials, and I did
not find the clear explanations I was hoping for.  Maybe that makes me a bad
developer.  But I assume Adobe wants to sell to bad developers as well as
good ones.  :)  This was a few months ago, so maybe things have improved.

If I'm wrong, please point me to the documentation, FAQs, etc. from Adobe
that clearly explain the diferences between Flex IDE and Flash IDE, or
details about how to integrate Flex into my workflow.  Maybe this is all
coming after the release.  Or maybe it's been added since I looked through
the labs site.  Where is the practical tutorial for Flash Developers who
want to transition to Flex?

I want to like Flex.  I really do.  I'm not trying to attack any Flex
developers or any of the smart people who work at Macromedia/Adobe.  I'm
just sharing my personal observations around it so far.  There's enough
contradictory info in this thread alone to make me think they're not doing a
good enough job getting the message out.  The ongoing success of Flash is
important to me personally, and to my career, so I that's why I've felt the
need to say this.

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