i think teaching someone OOP from the begining is not a bad idea, you are
still teching them to code but around classes. you do not need to introduce
more advanced concepts until later.  the best free book i think is thinking
in java by bruce eckel and should be easily adaptable for your needs.
i also think as3 is a good place to start, you would be equipping them with
a better language while still allowing them to do graphics. those who want
to learn more coding will slot easier into languages like java, c# etc.

On 8/20/07, Ricky Bacon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steven Sacks wrote:
> > I think you should consider teaching programming basics, focusing on
> > clean code, best practices, naming conventions, etc. and touch on OOP
> > towards the end.  The people who are most interested will seek out more
> > information, but I think you will lose people if you try to teach OOP
> > concepts right out the gate before they even know how to iterate through
> > an Array, or before they know what a subroutine is.
> LISP?  Just sayin...
> -Ricky
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