You could do it sending and object to TweenLite and monitoring its variables
to create lines from A to B.

   Leandro Ferreira

On 1/29/08, Merrill, Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tried on another Flash  list without any luck, so I'll try here.
> I'm trying to see if there is a way to combine TweenLite and the draw
> functions (i.e. to slowly draw a line from point
> A to point B. Maybe there isn't, but I thought I would ask.
> Is it possible or would it have to be accomplished instead by drawing
> slowly from point A to a point approaching B, then clearing, drawing
> further, then clearning, etc. until the endpoint is reached? I'd like
> to avoid that because it's 1) kludgy, 2) processor intensive, 3) time
> consuming to code, 4) does not use easing (easily anyway), and 5) would
> not look smooth. Any thoughts?
> Oh, and any method suggested has to be done dynamically with the draw
> API, not a timeline solution, since this is in regards to rendering a
> dynamic graphic.  Thanks.
> Jason Merrill
> Bank of America
> GT&O L&LD Solutions Design & Development
> eTools & Multimedia
> Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community
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