Maybe the font is being embedded in your code AFTER you are displaying the other fields that also use the font [which means the initial fields are un-embeded]? Or it could be you forgot to make the 'embed' setting true on all fields...?

Also, the order of 'embed' and then setting the text is important, can't recall offhand what that was, but if you search the archives I gave the answer to the order importance about a month ago.

Good luck!

karim beyrouti wrote:
Hi Glen - thanks for the answer.. Yep - i remember that one - I tried this at first and sadly it did not work...

however to make things stranger - the fonts work in the textfield when i use the keys to select from the drop down (then mouse selection works). But it does not work initially.


On 18 Oct 2008, at 17:38, Glen Pike wrote:


Try putting a text field off the stage set and embed your chosen font into it - that used to do the trick with AS2.


karim beyrouti wrote:
Hi list  -

I am using the flash CS3 components - and have hit a little snag - when testing in the IDE ( or just running the SWF ) all the fonts show up fine - no problem. However the moment the site goes in the browser - the font does not show up in the ComboBox textField, however they show up no in the dropdown menu. I have embedded the font in my library - and well - i have no clue as to why this is not working in the browser.

this is the code i am using to format the combobox:

           var tf:TextFormat     = new TextFormat();
               tf.font         = "Gotham Medium";
               tf.size         = 12;
               tf.bold         = false;

           cmb_mc.dropdown.setRendererStyle("embedFonts", true);
           cmb_mc.dropdown.setRendererStyle("textFormat", tf);
                      cmb_mc.textField.setStyle("embedFonts", true);
           cmb_mc.textField.setStyle("textFormat", tf);


Kind regards

Karim Beyrouti
Flashcoders mailing list


Glen Pike
01326 218440 <>

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