On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 2:23 AM, Jason Boyd <jayb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> - Resource bundles appear to be an elegant way to handle localization
> of any type of resource -- strings, fonts, animations, code classes,
> etc. They allow "cascading" from specific to default locales, mixing
> statically compiled locales with dynamically loaded ones as needed,
> and very little code to make it all work. The caveat is that it is
> within the Flex framework, which may or may not be compatible with
> "ActionScript" projects or apps built entirely in CS3/4.

Sorry about jumping in like this. I've just signed up for this list,
and I don't have the context for this conversation, but it seems like
there's something I could add.

I've successfully used Flex resource bundles with my plain AS3
projects. You just have to write your own 'ResourceBundle' API that
mimics the one in the Flex framework. It doesn't even have to be so
advanced. For instance, you don't need "chaining" (cascading) in most
cases, so you can just write something simple. It's worked for me.


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