On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 9:15 AM, Ian Thomas <i...@eirias.net> wrote:

>> I've successfully used Flex resource bundles with my plain AS3
>> projects. You just have to write your own 'ResourceBundle' API that
>> mimics the one in the Flex framework. It doesn't even have to be so
>> advanced. For instance, you don't need "chaining" (cascading) in most
>> cases, so you can just write something simple. It's worked for me.
> Yup, I've done the same. Just take a look at the source code for
> ResourceManagerImpl.

Oh, and... turn on --keep-generated (or whatever that option is
called) on the command-line when compiling a resource bundle to see
what a .properties file turns into in terms of ActionScript.

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