I didn't say people who used it were retarded, I said the program was.

The bottom line is, you can use Flex Builder to do your debugging if you need it, but for coding, which is what you spend the majority of your time doing, all the Eclipse-based Actionscript editors suck ass compared to FlashDevelop.

If you make a typo in FB or FDT, you're screwed. You have to go all the way back to the period. In FlashDevelop, you're fine. It still offers you the auto-completion (is this what you meant?). FlashDevelop's class importing doesn't require you to type the entire package first. You just type the class name and the entire package appears no matter where the class is.

And to the person who says that Flex Builder organizes your imports for you and FlashDevelop doesn't, that takes a few seconds ONE TIME for you to do in FlashDevelop (using the awesome CTRL+T shortcut that FlashDevelop has and FlexBuilder doesn't), whereas all the shortcomings of Flex Builder's auto-completion cost you a few seconds over and over constantly, plus added frustration. It's not even open to debate which one wins when it comes to time-savings and saved frustration. What you're talking about is an aesthetic, not a function, and it's easy to do in FlashDevelop. There is no comparable solution in Flex Builder for auto-completion and code-gen.

The code gen in FlashDevelop is superior to Flex Builder. The auto-completion is superior. The class importing is superior. The workflow is superior. You can open any .as file without it having to be part of your project. If you really want the debugger, then use it for that. I keep Flex Builder open while I code in FlashDevelop for that specific reason.

Code with the coding tool, compile with the debugging tool. Flex Builder sucks at coding, and is great at debugging.
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