On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Paul Andrews <p...@ipauland.com> wrote:

> beno - wrote:
>> On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Paul Andrews <p...@ipauland.com> wrote:
>>> If  mcHand has a tween on the timeline for that MovieClip, there MUST be
>>> a
>>> stop() command in actionscript at the end of the frames for the
>>> mcMovieClip.
>>> Without that stop() command the timeline will loop.
Perhaps we are miscommunicating. There is no instance of this mc being
dragged onto the stage. This mc appears only programatically. Yes, I could
drag it onto the stage, and then it would have a definite start and stop.
But such is not the case here. The *only* thing in the timeline is the
script. The first frame has:

var main:Main = new Main();

and now the 20th frame has:


Since the mc is either exactly 10 or 20 frames, it plays either once or
twice. I don't see how that would make any difference whatsoever for test
purposes. But my point is, I don't understand how putting that stop() in the
20th frame makes any sense at all, since all the action comes from the code
in the Main2.as file. Am I mistaken, or have you misunderstood? Please

PS Code of Main2.as follows once again:

 import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Main2 extends MovieClip
  public function Main2():void
  public function init():void {
  public function leftHand():void
    var mcHandInstance2:mcHand = new mcHand();
    mcHandInstance2.x = 800;
    mcHandInstance2.y = 200;
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