I am not much into this topic, but ...
you do not have to drag Library instance to the stage to get into its
timeline. If you mark the item (e.g. mcHand) in the library and press
right mouse button, there is "Edit" (the same if you doubleclick the

As soon as you are in the "edit mode" of the library item, then the
only timeline you can see is an "internal" timeline of this item (it
is not the main timeline). You can select the first frame, press F9
(or actions) and add this.stop().

But... I don't think adding code to timeline is a good idea. I would
rather try to stop the looping tween here:

       public function rightHand():void
              var mcHandInstance1:mcHand = new mcHand();
              mcHandInstance1.x = 400;
              mcHandInstance1.y = 200;

              mcHandInstance1.stop(); // <--- here

As I mentioned, I not into this topic, so I may be completely wrong.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 (7:09:56 PM) napisano:

> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:15 AM, Paul Andrews <p...@ipauland.com> wrote:

>> beno - wrote:
>>> On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Paul Andrews <p...@ipauland.com> wrote:
>>>> Tell me about mcHand. I am expecting you to tell me that mcHand is a
>>>> MovieClip symbol in your library. If you edit that symbol you'll find
>>>> there
>>>> is a timeline just for mcHand. That is the timeline I have been referring
>>>> to, not the main timeline.
>>> Well, now, that's what I didn't understand! I'm not at my computer with
>>> Flash installed. I'll try this later. Thank you!
>>> beno
>> Would I be right in thinking that your problem is now solved?

> No. It would be right to think that the computer I borrowed while I
> desperately try to re-establish myself after losing all my material
> possessions in the Dominican Republic and moving back to the US Virgin
> Islands broke down, and I just now have been able to get on a computer on
> which I've installed a trial version of Flash, only to discover that there
> __is_no_timeline_to_edit__ for mcHand. Such a timeline only exists, I
> believe, if one drags an instance of it onto the stage. I am trying to do
> all of this programmatically. There *is* no instance of mcHand on the stage.
> Furthermore, when I drag one on to the stage and double-click it, I see all
> the tweens that I made of it, all in 20 frames. Nonetheless, it
> __continues_to_loop_infinitely! Arrrrg. Here's the code again:

> This on the timeline, first frame, only layer:

> var main:Main = new Main();
> addChild(main);
> main.init();
> stop();

> This in Main.as:

> package
> {
>  import flash.display.MovieClip;
>  import com.greensock.*;
>  import com.greensock.plugins.*;
>  import com.greensock.easing.*;
>  public class Main extends MovieClip
>   {
>   public function Main():void
>     {
>   }
>   public function init():void {
>     hatAndFace();
>     eyeball1();
>     eyeball2();
>     rightHand();
>     leftHand();
>   }
>   public function hatAndFace():void
>     {
>     var mcHatAndFaceInstance:mcHatAndFace = new mcHatAndFace();
>     TweenPlugin.activate([AutoAlphaPlugin]);
>     addChild(mcHatAndFaceInstance);
>     mcHatAndFaceInstance.x = 350;
>     mcHatAndFaceInstance.y = 100;
>     mcHatAndFaceInstance.alpha = 0;
>     TweenLite.to(mcHatAndFaceInstance, 2, {autoAlpha:1});
>   }
>   public function eyeball1():void
>     {
>     var mcEyeballInstance1:mcEyeball = new mcEyeball();
>     TweenPlugin.activate([AutoAlphaPlugin]);
>     addChild(mcEyeballInstance1);
>     mcEyeballInstance1.x = 380;
>     mcEyeballInstance1.y = 115;
>     mcEyeballInstance1.alpha = 0;
>     TweenLite.to(mcEyeballInstance1, 2, {autoAlpha:1});
>   }
>   public function eyeball2():void
>     {
>     var mcEyeballInstance2:mcEyeball = new mcEyeball();
>     TweenPlugin.activate([AutoAlphaPlugin]);
>     addChild(mcEyeballInstance2);
>     mcEyeballInstance2.x = 315;
>     mcEyeballInstance2.y = 115;
>     mcEyeballInstance2.alpha = 0;
>     TweenLite.to(mcEyeballInstance2, 2, {autoAlpha:1});
>   }
>   public function rightHand():void
>     {
>     var mcHandInstance1:mcHand = new mcHand();
>     addChild(mcHandInstance1);
>     mcHandInstance1.x = 400;
>     mcHandInstance1.y = 200;
>   }
>   public function leftHand():void
>     {
>     var mcHandInstance2:mcHand = new mcHand();
>     addChild(mcHandInstance2);
>     mcHandInstance2.x = 800;
>     mcHandInstance2.y = 200;
>   }
>  }
> }

> Please help. Sinking fast. No money for food. Happy Thanksgiving.
> beno
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