John McCormack wrote:
It looks as if the memory is protected anyway, according to: ...

"As a reminder, the Alchemy pipeline is the following : .c file *->*
LLVM intermediate bytecode *->* AVM2 bytecode
However, in general, doing so reduces a lot the performances. Especially
since the abstraction level of the AVM2 bytecode is a lot higher than
the one of the LLVM bytecode, it means that all arbitrary operations
such as pointer and memory manipulation which are done in C must be
/wrapped/ by using the memory-safe mechanisms which are available in
AVM2, such as a |flash.utils.ByteArray| to represent the memory data."

If the AVM2 (Adobe ActionScriptâ„¢ Virtual Machine 2) does allow
unprotected access, then malicious code could get through via Alchemy or
I can't believe that to be true.
Anyway, why would Adobe build it in and not use it?

This is what they allow:

function readByteAt(pos) {
if(pos>0 && pos < memSize) {
return globalmemptr[pos];

You can stop with the wild mass guessing now.
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