I would never recommend an enterprise client to take that direction. Want to do a little game or don't care much about being able to debug, or have to rely on a middle-man? By all means that's fine but clients I deal with generally would not appreciate that direction.

This whole thing has nothing to do with Adobe. Too may folks are taking this personally. I guess I am not as passionate as others in the Flash community about this. I'll move along and develop however it's accepted. Again, it's their device and their platform.

Apple creates excellent consumer devices and is a market worth targeting, regardless of the limitations they impose. They are not standing alone in their decision to limit the way software is written for their devices. Blame them or not, they have the right to choose that path. Of course, they will also have to deal with the consequences of those decisions.

my 0.02.

- j

On Apr 12, 2010, at 11:45 AM, Glen Pike wrote:

IMHO, I don't think people have an issue with the correct methodology of making apps - if that were the case we might still be in the dark ages of development. Flash gave and still gives a lot of people the power to develop ideas for programs quickly, without having to wade through rubbish like DirectX and other stuffy system API's.

If I want to develop crap applications for the app store, I should be able to do it in the language and on the system of my choice.

If I want to develop good applications for the app store, I should go and buy some books on the language and system of my choice, then develop aforementioned apps.

Your point about the compiler maybe true, but hey, there are plenty of people writing compilers out there. Surely it's my choice whether I write something that runs like a snail and does not make any money.

Jon Bradley wrote:
I wouldn't call that amazing – I would call that whining. No offense to Lee, of course.

Although all of us would love to develop iPhone and iPad applications using the Flash platform, frankly that is not a proper methodology for developing for these systems, in my opinion.

Learn C, C++ or Objective-C. They are not that hard, you have much more control and you are not at the beck and call of a translation governed by something like LLVM, which you have no control over.

- j

On Apr 12, 2010, at 5:00 AM, allandt bik-elliott (thefieldcomic.com) wrote:

thanks lee brimelow for this amazing post

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