Windows for now.  I haven't been able to duplicate issue on a mac but it
doesn't mean it's not there.  I have not altered the renderMode so it
should be running auto.  CPU runs between 0 and about 8% depending on how
much data is coming down the line (socket connection).  Memory spikes as
high as 180MB but runs consistent around 25MB in the profiler.  In task
manager, I usually see around 120MB.  If I leave the chart open all day
then there's a ton of data and I'll see it up around 180MB.  But, that's
equal or less than a single tab in firefox so it should be fine.

The nativeWindow I'm working with still responds. I can maximize/minimize,
but can't resize it.  The nativeMenu, however, is dead as well as all
content inside the window.

As I said, I have a global error handler which traces out stuff in Monster
Debugger as well as logs stuff to a file on my desktop and I don't get any
info either way.  I'm tracing out every data object that I get over the
socket as well as every chart update event and the main content area's
update event.  They continue to respond.  It's like everything is there,
but there's a block on the app visually.

Thanks for your help!


On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 7:36 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:

> **
> Mac and Win?  Different GPU configs?  What does memory and CPU for the
> process look like?
> On 4/4/12 2:37 PM, "Jake Churchill" <> wrote:
> Alex,
> It's intermittent, but routinely happens after the app has been open for
> 10-15 minutes.  But, it's not EVERY time.  I've tied in Monster Debugger
> and I can see after the freeze that updates, data and certain component
> lifecycle events that I'm looking at are still firing, just no visual.
>  About half the time, I just get a snapshot frozen where the last update
> happened, and sometimes the screen is completely white.
> -Jake
> On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 4:12 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:
> Is it intermittent or can you reproduce it at will?
> On 4/4/12 12:32 PM, "Jake Churchill" < <
>> > wrote:
> Coders:
> I posted an issue regarding the update to AIR 3.2 recently but I now have
> more information.  The app appears to freeze but I've plugged in some
> debugging tools and network monitors and I have been able to find out that
> the rendering of the app freezes, but the app itself continues to run.
>  Data continues to fly in, update and render events continue to fire on the
> components in question.  Focus appears to be acknowledged as well.  I've
> messed with a global error handler but I'm not seeing any errors being
> thrown.
> The basic app structure is this:  Main app opens a login screen, after
> successful login, the main app hides itself and opens up 1-3 windows, all
> of which manage their own data/events, etc.  I've been debugging events at
> the main app level as well as windows and I'm getting feedback from both at
> the appropriate times.
> I've seen an issue on an ipad app that freezes mid animation and the
> workaround was to add something else to the display list.  I coded in a
> workaround like that which adds a small transparent image to the display
> list of components as well as the window's stage and still nothing.
> I REALLY REALLY need some kind of help here.  I've been searching for 3
> days without any luck of the problem even being acknowledged other than the
> one ipad game source.  Here's that blog post again:
> Please please help me out if you can.
> Thanks!
> -Jake Churchill
> --
> Alex Harui
> Flex SDK Team
> Adobe Systems, Inc.

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