Hello Flex Community, 
I am a very experienced CF developer, and I want to get into Flex.  
Perhaps it makes more sense to coem from Flash, however Adobe is 
letting CF jobs disappear everywhere, so its time to upgrade my skill 

here is the issues I am running into.

Client Side Application:
Of course this is completely different than the Web where we have 
sessions, Im used to the web, need to rethink to my old way of 
thinking.  But here is my issue, I want to make LARGE applications, 
with many screens, and lots of functionality.  How do I make an app 
that has multiple screen, I really do not feel like having 100's of 
objects on my MXML file waiting for visible = true to be set.  

Where is a decent walk through on how to develop a major app, not a 
resturant finder, an actual full blown application. I want to create 
other screens, with their own functions, maybe some modules... 

How do I make code, or set up my project so its not some huge mess of 
code on one of few files?

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