Ok, unfortunately the antrun config doesn't help me because if htere's  
something subtle we're not seeing that you got right in the antrun,  
well... we can't see it.

Could you send the snippet that configures the plugin only. If you  
change any paths and proprietary names, then it can't be a disclosure  
any more than sample code.


On 16-Oct-07, at 7:01 AM, Ronen Naor wrote:

> I can't send only part of my POM because of company issues, but I  
> can tell u
> there is nothing particular there.
> What I did to solve it was to building with antrun plugin using
> flexTasks.jar for ant.
> It means it works with mxmlc and the problem lies between maven and  
> the
> plugin.
> It also made me think whether the plugin should have bean  
> implemented using
> the maven ant plugin technique.
> Here is my antrun configuration that solved the problem:
> <build>
>        <finalName>aa-flex</finalName>
>        <plugins>
>           <plugin>
>                <groupId>net.israfil.mojo</groupId>
>                <artifactId>maven-flex2-plugin</artifactId>
>                <configuration>
> <resolveExtraSwcsFromFlexFrameworksLibs>true</ 
> resolveExtraSwcsFromFlexFrameworksLibs>
>                    <showDeprecationWarnings>true</ 
> showDeprecationWarnings>
>                    <showBindingWarnings>true</showBindingWarnings>
>                    <warnings>true</warnings>
>                    <!-- if you use dataservices, make sure you  
> override
> endpoints in your mxml -->
> <dataServicesConfig>../aa-web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/flex/services-
> config.xml
>                    </dataServicesConfig>
>                    <debug>false</debug>
>                    <main>Aa.mxml</main>
>                </configuration>
>            </plugin>
>            <plugin>
>                <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>
>                <executions>
>                    <execution>
>                        <id>copy-flex-resources</id>
>                        <!-- TODO: use prepare-package as of 2.0.5 -->
>                        <phase>compile</phase>
>                        <goals>
>                            <goal>copy-dependencies</goal>
>                        </goals>
>                        <configuration>
>                            <outputDirectory>
>                                ${project.build.directory}/flex- 
> resources
>                            </outputDirectory>
>                            <includeTypes>swc</includeTypes>
>                            <stripVersion>false</stripVersion>
>                        </configuration>
>                    </execution>
>                </executions>
>            </plugin>
>            <plugin>
>                <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
>                <executions>
>                  <execution>
>                    <phase>package</phase>
>                    <configuration>
>                      <tasks>
>                        <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" />
>                        <property name="FLEX_HOME" value="$ 
> {flex.home}"/>
>                        <property name="FLEX_HOME" value="$ 
> {context.root}"/>
>                         <echo message="flex home : ${flex.home}"/>
>                         <echo message="context root : $ 
> {context.root}"/>
>                        <mxmlc file="${basedir}/src/main/flex/Aa.mxml"
>                                keep-generated-actionscript="false"
>                                use-network="true"
>                                output="${project.build.directory}/aa-
> flex.swf"
> services="../aa-web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml"
>                                context-root="${context.root}">
>                            <load-config
> filename="../flex-master/target/classes/flex-config.xml"/>
>                             <source-path path-element="${flex.home
> }/frameworks"/>
>                             <default-size width="800" height="600" />
> <compiler.source-pathpath-element="${basedir}/src/main/flex"/>
>                             <compiler.debug>false</compiler.debug>
>                             <compiler.include-libraries dir="${
> project.build.directory}/flex-resources" append="false">
>                                 <include name="*.swc" />
>                             </compiler.include-libraries>
>                         </mxmlc>
>                      </tasks>
>                    </configuration>
>                    <goals>
>                      <goal>run</goal>
>                    </goals>
>                  </execution>
>                </executions>
>                <dependencies>
>                  <dependency>
>                    <groupId>ant</groupId>
>                    <artifactId>flex-tasks</artifactId>
>                    <version>022607</version>
>                  </dependency>
>                </dependencies>
>            </plugin>
>            <plugin>
>        <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
>        <artifactId>build-helper-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>        <executions>
>          <execution>
>            <id>attach-artifacts</id>
>            <phase>package</phase>
>            <goals>
>              <goal>attach-artifact</goal>
>            </goals>
>            <configuration>
>              <artifacts>
>                <artifact>
>                  <file>${project.build.directory}/aa-flex.swf</file>
>                  <type>swf</type>
>                </artifact>
>              </artifacts>
>            </configuration>
>          </execution>
>        </executions>
>      </plugin>
>        </plugins>
>    </build>
> On 10/15/07, Christian Edward Gruber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  Could you post your pom.xml file? I think the obvious answers are
>> exhausted.
>> Also, while it may be a problem with the plugin, the plugin just uses
>> the compc and mxmlc compilers from the flex SDK, so anything not
>> explicitly set by the plugin defaults to whatever they default to.
>> I've encountered a few cases where the defaults are crazy or at least
>> different from FlexBuilder, causing interesting results.
>> Christian.
>> FYI: There is a israfil-mojo-users list at googlegroups. -cg.
>> On 15-Oct-07, at 9:41 AM, Ronen Naor wrote:
>>> Yes, I did try java -Xmx without any luck.
>>> And I don't compile it in debug mode.
>>> Maybe I should test it also with Ant to see the difference.
>>> On 10/15/07, Adam Duston <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <aduston%40gmail.com>>
>> wrote:
>>>> I use Flex Ant Tasks, and I haven't tried Maven for compiling
>>>> Flex. But
>>>> just a couple of thoughts: have you tried altering the max heap
>>>> size using
>>>> the java -Xmx option? I also wonder if the twice-the-size problem
>>>> is a
>>>> result of it compiling in debug mode.
>>>> On 10/14/07, Ronen Naor <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <ronen.flex 
>>>> %40gmail.com>>
>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Has anyone encountered the following problem using the maven  
>>>>> israfil
>>>>> plugin:
>>>>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
>>>>> at java.util.HashMap.resize(Unknown Source)
>>>>> at java.util.HashMap.addEntry(Unknown Source)
>>>>> at java.util.HashMap.put(Unknown Source)
>>>>> at macromedia.abc.ByteArrayPool.store(BytecodeBuffer.java:381)
>>>>> at macromedia.abc.IndexHistory.decodeOnDemand(ConstantPool.java: 
>>>>> 823)
>>>>> at macromedia.abc.IndexHistory.getIndex(ConstantPool.java:553)
>>>>> at macromedia.abc.IndexHistory.decodeOnDemand(ConstantPool.java: 
>>>>> 785)
>>>>> at macromedia.abc.IndexHistory.getIndex(ConstantPool.java :553)
>>>>> at macromedia.abc.Encoder.OP_callproperty(Encoder.java:2029)
>>>>> at macromedia.abc.Decoder$Opcodes.decode (Decoder.java:1389)
>>>>> at macromedia.abc.Decoder$MethodBodies.decode(Decoder.java:523)
>>>>> at flex2.tools.PostLink.merge(PostLink.java:325)
>>>>> at flex2.tools.PostLink.run(PostLink.java:72)
>>>>> at flex2.linker.API.link(API.java:42)
>>>>> at flex2.tools.Compiler.main(Compiler.java:226)
>>>>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
>>>>> at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
>>>>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
>>>>> at net.israfil.mojo.flex2.StreamedParameterExecutableWrapper.main(
>>>>> StreamedParameterExecutableWrapper.java:62)
>>>>> Also the created swf is twice the size of the swf created by Flex
>>>>> Builder.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Ronen.
>>>> --
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <aduston%40gmail.com>

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