
Totally agree. I've ranted about it on other discussions . In my
opinion the Flex team got a lot of things right but the one thing they
got wrong is not considering how Flex can work well with Flash.

It seems like as more people get involved in Flex, this question comes
up more and more. Obviously with all of the hype about Thermo, this is
a need that people want filled.

My question is, why isn't Flash Thermo? Why hasn't Flash been Thermo
since the beginning? Why are designers going to have to learn a new
platform when they are already comfortable with the more mature (and
probably more powerful) platform, Flash?

Frustrating indeed.


On Jan 31, 2008 3:28 PM, Justin Winter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jon,
>  that is really interesting and I need to digest the concept a bit more
>  to see if it will help my workflow situation. In my case I kinda need
>  to go the other way though: Flash CS3 > Flex not Flex > Flash CS3
>  I've got my live project here if anyone is interested in checking it out:
>  http://www.mountainworkshops.org
>  you can see the error if you view a participant gallery and click the
>  email button, and then click tab.
>  I built each one of these "media players" in flash cause it made sense
>  at the time to try and use the Flex component kit for flash and just
>  attach a class for the functionality. There are essentially three
>  different players, one for the slideshow, one for the video player,
>  and one for the audio sync'd slideshows.
>  At this point I'm thinking of just redoing the slideshow and audio
>  slideshow in Flex and just use flash for the library assets. Seems
>  like a huge pain in the ass for something I have 99% working.
>  oh well...

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