
Nice to hear someone else feels similar to the way I do regarding this

I really don't want to come off on this thread as being unhappy with
Flex or Flash. I LOVE flex, I love Flash, I love Actionscript 3.0, the
guys and girls on the Flash & Flex teams are seriously my heroes.

I'm sure this topic has cropped up in Adobe as I've heard it at
several conferences and flex camps. I think it's a healthy discussion
and probably the absolutely right forum to post this on as I don't
know too many designers that hang out here. 

The bottom line is that this argument is nothing new. Designers have
been trying to convince coders of how important design is for years
and years. 

Coming from the design world myself, then going back to school for
computer science, this topic was always a struggle for me to convince
my fellow coders of how important it is to pay attention to designers.
(A perfect example these days is Apple)

I'm sure things will improve in future versions of both applications!
Wish we could fast forward to Flex 5 and Flash CS5. 

Justin Winter

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