Hi Anotole,

This topic has been brought up several times since this list was
established.  At times, it does seem that the post topics are very
diverse.  However, with the clear exception of flexcomponents, the
suggestion to split the list into sub groups has been consistantly
avoided; to reduce the number of feeds that the primary responders to
the list have to monitor.  It would be near impossible for the Adobe
experts, and others on this list, to regulary respond to the wide
variety of posts that are made if they had to watch 12 different lists. 
Agreed, like RSS feeds, the inbox gets full rather quickly.  Just using
the Yahoo interface, to scan messages, works great and doesn't take up
much time at all though.  And yes, there are frequent questions by
people that are new to flex.  I look at helping people that are just
starting as paying it forward.  The mix on this list is diverse, but
people can always go to the Adobe Flex forums; if they want more
specialized focus.  I don't want to sound like I'm not agreeing with
your proposal; it has merit.  However, it would probably splinter the
group too much.  If anything, I think the quality and focus would be
improved if people tried to limit the posts/responses to Flex related
issues.  That would probably reduce the inbox clutter by 1/3.  :-)


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Anatole Tartakovsky"
> Dear All,
> Flexcoders has huge problem. In the last 15 month it is very much
> stagnant in terms of message count and participation. It is not
growing and
> dropping members as fast as it gets them.
> I believe this group has overgrown the optimal size about a year ago
> needs to be divided in more focused smaller groups. My mail box get
> messages a day on all kinds of topic - unless I can spend 30+ minutes
> day to sort them out it goes directly into garbage can. Most people in
> company unsubscribed from it 18 month ago. Most of veteran developers
I know
> either unsubscribed or stopped looking in this mess greatly
diminishing the
> quality of the responses. As a result group mostly host new developers
> looses most of experienced ones after very short period of time.
> Further delay of breaking this group hinders usefulness of the group
for all
> of us as now we have significant amount of users that are being forced
> I believe it is time to archive flexcoders and branch (12?) targeted
> user groups
> I would like to see people suggesting user subgroups and WiKi topics
> Flex community site to go with each group - providing best posts in
> systematic way.
> I suggest the following Yahoo groups ( created couple for your
> convenience).
> Flex101: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/flex101/
> Post message: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> List owner: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> EnterpriseFlex: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/enterpriseflex/
> Post message: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> List owner: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> FlexUI
> FlexDesign
> FlexSDK
> FlexDeployment
> FlexFlash
> FlexFrameworks
> FlexBestPractices
> EnterpriseFlex:
> FlexBlazeDS:
> weborb:
> Sincerely,
> Anatole Tartakovsky
> Farata Systems

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